The workshop was really thought-provoking – I don’t think that the information about a horse would have been so well understood or retained if it had not been presented alongside information about humans. This meant that the children were learning evaluative skills as well as facts, and this ability to compare and contrast can be used across the curriculum.
We have a range of workshops for KS1 and KS2, costing only £100 per workshop (Maximum 30 students. Must be booked in advance)
We are working very hard to keep everyone Covid safe.
If you are interested in a workshop, please contact Gabrielle Bell by email or call 01638 667314 so that we can discuss how best to achieve this for your group. Thank you.
Book nowCurriculum links: Science: Materials, their properties and uses, working scientifically
Explore the materials used in racing with hands-on investigations. Students discover what makes materials suitable for particular jobs, and are challenged to search for different materials in our galleries.
Curriculum links: Animals including humans; working scientifically; recognising pattern and sequence
Straight FromThe Horse’s Mouth is a hands-on comparative anatomy workshop investigating similarities and differences between human and equine athletes!
Cirriculum Links: Local Study/ History (How a world or national event affected the locality; sources and interpretation)/ English (reading & spoken language)
Students will have the opportunity to handle a mystery object from our collection and to learn about part of Newmarket’s wartime story.
Curriculum links: Social and Cultural learning, touching on themes of Art/History/English/Science.
Suitable for groups of up to 60 students (please contact us if your group is larger)
Curriculum links: Science-Evolution & Inheritance; working scientifically
Students will use evidence, including handling fossil casts, in order to understand some of the changes which occurred to the earliest horses millions of years ago and led to Equus.
Curriculum links: these will vary according to activities selected, but may include animals including humans; working scientifically; inheritance; materials, their properties and uses.
Create your own unique Surprising Science workshop by choosing two activities from our pick’n’mix list