Jack Horner

Jack Horner was a Thoroughbred racehorse who won the Grand National in 1926. Sadly, he suffered an injury, meaning he was unable to compete again.

News of this reached Fred a little too late, as he had already backed Jack Horner to win the Grand National in 1927.

Jack Horner

Tuesday 1927

Dear Jack:-

Thanks so much for your letter. That one about the egg-bound duck handed me a real laugh – as well as everyone I’ve told it to.

I had already backed Jack Horner when your letter arrived so you see I still think I know too f- much about everything.

Oh well – we’ll get it back on “Sache” if he doesn’t get corns or warts or something.

Haven’t decided yet whether to go to Liverpool the Thursday night before the National or go over Friday morning.

How about it? Maybe it would be best for me to come over Friday morning and meet you at the Adelphi at lunch time or before that. Let me know what to do.

How about that idea of you coming here Thursday and riding over with me after the show Thurs night. It may be difficult as I have promised to take Dolman over too & there won’t be room for all of us to put up in Liverpool.

I think it best to meet you there Friday morning.

Write soon old kid and give my best to all.

As ever


P.S. I see “Chubb” has ride in the Lincoln – is it any good?